Determine Baby Gender without Ultrasound - Attempt to determine baby gender without ultrasound by using a simple "heartbeat test." When your obstetrician uses a fetal doppler to listen to the baby's heartbeat at your next check up, ask her to help you determine the beats per minute. The old wives' tale claims that if the heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute, the baby is a boy. If it's more than 140 beats per minute, you have conceived a girl.
Try the baby gender pencil test as a way to find out if you were conceiving a boy or conceiving a girl. Simply stick the tip of a sewing needle into the top center of a pencil eraser. Thread the needle with a 6-inch-long piece of thread and hold the thread to suspend the pencil above the back of your hand. Place your hand on a table, palm side down. Allow the pencil to swing freely-if it begins to swing parallel to your arm, the baby gender predictor says you're expecting a boy. If the pencil swings perpendicularly to your arm, the baby gender pencil test supposedly reveals that you're expecting a girl.
Determine Baby Gender without Ultrasound
Purchase an over-the-counter test that operates like a home pregnancy test to determine baby gender. Sold at drug stores, baby gender prediction tests allegedly read the hormones in your urine to determine if you're carrying a boy or girl.
Take a quiz when you're trying to determine baby gender. Websites such as, and provide online "tests" that compile an assortment of myths and methods as an interesting way to discover if you're having a baby boy or baby girl. Simple questions on the baby gender predictor tests discuss how you're carrying the pregnancy, the foods you're craving and how you pick up a coffee mug, for example.
If you're pregnant and want an indication if you're having a boy or girl, but aren't currently able to take an ultrasound to get a scientific glimpse at the little one, experiment with a variety of non-invasive and entertaining methods. Tactics that range from old wives' tales to simple quizzes can be a fun way to help you speculate and determine baby gender without ultrasound. - by eHow