Protect a Baby From Mosquitos - Avoid places where mosquitos thrive, such as lakes, woods, anywhere with stagnant water, flowery gardens or open food areas.
Find an insect repellent that's safe for your baby. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends using products on infants and children that contain only 10 percent of DEET, which is the best chemical repellent against insect bites.
Protect a Baby From Mosquitos
Lightly spray an appropriate insect repellent on your baby's clothes, then on your hands to spread on his or her skin.
Dress your baby in tightly woven clothing, which covers most of his or her exposed skin. This can offer some barrier to mosquitos. Light-colored clothing deters mosquitos more than dark-colored clothing.
Avoid risky areas during dusk and dawn, the times of day when mosquitos are most prevalent.
Mosquito bites are usually harmless to a baby, just as they are with adults. In extremely rare cases, malaria, arboviral encephalitis and West Nile virus are harmful results. But these diseases are so rare, parents should not be alarmed. Typically, your baby will react with slightly swollen itchy bumps, just as an adult would. A potential exists for infection from scratching, but it is minimal. - by eHow