Feed a Baby Desert Tortoise - Feed fresh grasses and weeds, but in moderation. Feeding the desert tortoise too much can cause health problems. Make sure that all greens that you feed your turtle are free of pesticides and herbicides. Feed the desert tortoise grasses, weeds and cactus. You can also buy a foraging mix of greens for your desert tortoise at most agricultural or pet stores. If they don't carry it, many can order it for you.
Feed dead leaves and other dead plants. Desert tortoises enjoy plants that are dead as well as fresh.
Feed a Baby Desert Tortoise
Feed leafy greens. Ideally, the leafy greens should be half of or even less of what you feed them in terms of forage such as grasses and weeds. Preferred leafy greens include spinach, dandelions and cabbage. Avoid lettuces; they are low in nutritional value.
Feed them vegetables but in moderation. Vegetables should be a very small portion of their diet. Some vegetables to feed your tortoise can include squashes, bell peppers, carrots, lentils and potatoes.
Have clean water available at all times. While it's built for life in the desert, the tortoise still needs a steady supply of water.
The desert tortoise belongs to the turtle family and is a herbivore that lives near desert environments and often spends most of its days burrowed underground. Unlike most turtles, the desert tortoise does not have aquatic tendencies. - by eHow