Help Babies Sleep When the Startle Reflex Goes Away - Establish consistent bedtime routines with your infant. For example, before bedtime, read a book, give your baby a bath, put on her pajamas, and feed her. Do this consistently to build positive associations with bedtime for your child.
With the lights out, put your baby in his crib while he is still awake. Say goodnight in a quiet voice and leave the room.
Help Babies Sleep When the Startle Reflex Goes Away
Go back into the room after 3 minutes if your baby is still crying. Stay for only a minute, and in a quiet voice reassure your baby that everything is OK. Do not pick your baby up. Leave the room.
Return to your baby if she is crying after 5 minutes. Repeat this process while staying out of the room for progressively longer intervals of time until your baby falls asleep.
Establish consistent bedtime routines with your infant. Before bedtime, read a book, give your baby a bath, put on his pajamas, and feed him. Do this consistently to build positive associations with bedtime for your child.
Once your baby loses his or her startle reflex, you will find that your baby does not need to be swaddled before bedtime. However, if your baby is still having trouble sleeping for prolonged periods throughout the night, there are some helpful tips you'll want to consider to help your little one -- and yourself -- get more sleep. The Ferber Method and the Pantley Method are two options for helping your baby to sleep soundly through the night. - by eHow