Turn off an Alarm for a Baby G Watch - Press the button on the top left of the watch. This will make it enter alarm mode.
Press the bottom right button on the watch to turn on and off the alarm. Press the bottom right button until this message is displayed; "SIG ALM". Now both the hourly beep and the alarm are off.
Turn off an Alarm for a Baby G Watch
Press the top left button again to exit alarm mode and return to normal watch functioning.
Baby G watches are made by Casio. The exact method to shut off the watch alarm will vary by model, year and style of watch. Still, turning off the alarm for the majority of Baby G watches will follow the process outlined here. Some watches have multiple alarms and the process is the same for turning off multiple alarms. There are currently 29 Baby G model watches offered by the company. The watches feature a stopwatch, timer, light and are water resistant. Does this Spark an idea? - by eHow