Tone Your Tummy After Having a Baby - Start with several minutes of gentle stretching to warm up your muscles and get your circulation going. Stretch each arm, leg and your lower back muscles.
Beat the battle of the bulge with some classic crunches. Lying flat on your back with your hands clasped behind your head, reach forward toward your knees and hold. (Don't try to sit up, however. You'll feel the exercise working almost immediately on your tummy muscles just from the reaching motion). Do this exercise 8 to 10 times.
Tone Your Tummy After Having a Baby
Tone the sides of your tummy by doing a crossover variation of the crunch. Lie on your back, again with your hands clasped behind your head. This time, reach with your left elbow forward toward your right knee and hold for a moment. Release, then repeat the exercise with your right elbow to your left knee. Do a total of 8 to 10 reps.
Make walking part of your tummy toning regimen. Walking is one of the best exercises you can do to improve your overall fitness and to boost your metabolism to burn more calories naturally.
Swim your way to a flatter tummy. Swimming is perhaps the ultimate exercise for the entire body since it requires the use of nearly every muscle group, including those bands across your stomach and abdomen.
It's a fact of life that many women watch their tummy go from flat to flabby after having a baby. It's no wonder either. There are three bands of muscles that stretch across the tummy area. During pregnancy, these muscles are pushed to their limit. Unfortunately, they do not tend to snap back like rubber bands after having the baby. However, there are lots of exercises that you can do after having a baby to help tone up your tummy. - by eHow