Be in Harmony With Your Unborn Baby - Tune In.
Before birth and after, babies have varying sleep patterns and levels of alertness. A tuned-in mom can recognize the times when her baby is in deep or light sleep, or awake and active. While you probably can't wake up a deeply sleeping fetus, there are periods when the baby's awake that she's hypersensitive to input and loud noises.
Watch Your Tone.
One study found that babies move in rhythm to their mother's speech. An unborn baby doesn't understand the meaning of your words, but does respond to the tone in your voice. You can help your baby relax and feel loved by talking tenderly. I know a woman who regularly sang a lullaby to her baby. After the baby was born, if he was crying and heard the melody, he immediately calmed down.
Be in Harmony With Your Unborn Baby
Pay Attention to Movement.
By observing the subtle body rhythms in your baby, you have an opportunity to begin to get in sync. Your unborn child is aware of what's going on around him; he's sensitive and remembers; he's trying to communicate with you. Some moms know what's going on with their babies by the way they kick, Some dads play and talk with their babies by getting very close to the mom's belly and saying hello. If the baby's awake when dad lightly pushes on mom's belly, the baby might kick back.
Don't Condemn Yourself for Getting Uptight.
When you're cranky and out of sorts, which of course occasionally you will be, please don't beat yourself up. With rising hormone levels you're likely to feel moody and more sensitive. Pregnancy can be a roller coaster of emotions. Every pregnant woman has meltdowns, those times when she's s too tired and has too much to do. Instead of pushing yourself to get all the chores done, slow down, take a deep breath, cut corners. You can open a can of soup instead of cooking dinner. Take a warm bath with your unborn baby, sing a lullaby and relax together. The baby will feel what you feel, so notice when you're uptight and partake in a calming down ritual.
Think Happy.
If you're down in the dumps or stressed your hormones are affected, which in turn affects the baby. Prenatal researchers state that there's some connection between what a mother thinks and how her baby feels, and that from 6 months on, a preborn baby can share mother's emotions via the hormones associated with feelings. Keep focused on positive, uplifting thoughts. If you're stressed, ask for help. Take ample time outs and give yourself days off. When you take good care of yourself, you truly are taking good care of your baby.
Studies show that long before birth, mother and baby are beginning to respond to each other; it makes sense that bonding happens first through your body rhythms. If you're thinking everything will be all right, you're likely to feel happy. And when you feel happy, your body responds with relaxed muscles, you move at an easy going pace and your body is flooded with endorphins which produce a natural high. Just as oxygen and nourishment pass through your body, the fetus senses your mood and absorbs the vibrations. Studies seem to indicate that from about 6 months the fetus can see, hear and taste. Studies also suggest that the unborn child's emotional life is closely connected to his mother's. Here are five ways to be in touch. - by eHow