Help a Baby Through a Cold - Give him lots of comfort. You will probably notice that your little one will be a bit clingier and more attached to you. Give him all the comfort he needs. It's only natural. Cuddle him. It won't take the cold away. Only time will do that, but it helps him feel more at ease.
Buy a humidifier or sit in a steam bathroom with your baby. Both will clear up her clogged nose and make it easier for her to breathe and cough less. Most doctors recommend a cool mist humidifier.
Help a Baby Through a Cold
Use a rubber bulb syringe to suction the mucous out of his nose. You probably got one at the hospital at the time of his birth. Babies can't blow their own nose. A rubber bulb syringe is very handy. Also, if his nose is congested--yet the mucous is dry and not running freely--use some saline nose drops to loosen up the mucous.
Elevate her bed by putting a small wedge or rolled up towels under the crib mattress. You can also let her sleep upright in her favorite chair or swing during nap time to help her sleep better.
Give her a pat on the back. A series of pats on the back helps loosens up the mucus and helps her to breathe better. Pat away. Do this gently and from the small of her back to the middle.
It can be one of the most heartbreaking and stressful things to watch. Seeing your little one struggling with a cold is quite upsetting. She is uncomfortable, stuffy and coughing. Your first instinct is to make it go away as quickly as possible, but drug companies have voluntarily pulled infant cold medicines off the shelves because of their potential danger. To make it worse, experts estimate that a baby will get between 8 to 10 colds in her first two years alone. That is a lot of long, worried nights. While you can't take away her cold, here are some ways to help her through it. - by eHow