Take Care of a Baby - Change your baby's diaper as soon as you notice that it is soiled or wet. Keeping a fresh diaper on your baby will help to prevent daiper rash. Before you start to change the diaper, gather all of the needed supplies. You will need the diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream (if needed), and a change of clothes if needed. You will need all of your supplies with your before beginning as you will not want to leave your child alone on a bed or changing table.
Treat your baby's diaper rash. If your baby has red or irritated skin, apply diaper rash cream liberally to the red area. A diaper rash is uncomfortable for your baby and, if left untreated, can lead to an infection and/or pain for your baby when he urinates. Never let reddening of the skin go untreated.
Take Care of a Baby
Feed your baby. Whether you are feeding your newborn breast milk or the bottle, use this time for bonding. Making eye contact and talking or singing softly to your baby will go a long way toward creating a sense of security and establishing a strong bond between the two of you. Do not prop the bottle. Your baby may choke and it is important you spend this time making a connection.
Burp your baby. My baby was a preemie, though he wasn't very tiny. But I used to just sit him up holding his chin in my hands (making sure he could breathe easily) and pat and rub his back. Don't stop after the first burp. You will soon know your baby well and will know if they burp just once or two or three times. My son always has a second burp. Be sure you have a burping cloth or a cloth diaper handy to wipe up messes or protect your clothes.
Cuddle, snuggle and love your baby. This is the most fun part of having a baby. Enjoy it! You always hear it said, but it is true, the housework can wait. Snuggle that baby! I love the smell of my son's head and can just drink that smell in for an hour or more. Don't let this time go without giving your baby a ton of love. You will regret it. Nothing you can think of is more important. Making sure your child feels loved is just as important as eating or sleeping.
Having a baby is an exciting and scary time. If you have found yourself at home with your newborn baby after being spoiled and helped by the nurses at the hospital, take a deep breath, you can do this! Your beautiful baby depends on you completely for all of his or her care. Enjoy your baby, this time will fly by and you will miss it. Here are some basic baby care tips to help you through. Just remember, nobody is flawless. Also, when in doubt, call your baby's pediatrician. - by eHow