Care for Baby Emperor Scorpions - Prepare an appropriate enclosure for your scorpions. A glass aquarium with a secure lid is a good habitat for scorpions. If you have one or two scorpions, an 18-inch by 12-inch by 12-inch tank should be sufficient, but the more scorpions you have, the bigger an enclosure you will need. In general, you should allow an extra five gallons of volume per enclosure for each additional scorpion. Be aware that scorpions are good climbers, so be sure the lid to your enclosure fits snugly.
Build a false bottom in the enclosure to maintain an appropriate humidity level for your scorpions. Line the bottom of the tank with gravel and top the gravel with a plastic tube.
Care for Baby Emperor Scorpions
Cover the gravel and tube with a 6-inch layer of coconut fiber or new, organic potting soil. Scorpions love to burrow, so they need a thick layer of digging material. Use the tube to add water to the gravel level so that the gravel is half submerged. The water will keep the digging material and the inside of the enclosure properly moist. Check the water level regularly and add water as needed. Keep the humidity level in the enclosure at about 80 percent. Babies are particularly sensitive to humidity levels.
Set up covered hiding places for your scorpions. Pieces of tubing, inverted coconut shells or other hollow objects are good places for them to rest. If you have more than one scorpion in an enclosure, be sure to have a hiding place for each one, since scorpions can fight over them.
Ensure the baby scorpions' enclosure is kept at an appropriate temperature. Emperor scorpions are native to warm, humid regions and should be kept in a similar environment in captivity. This is particularly crucial for babies. The ideal temperature for a scorpion enclosure is about 86 degrees during the day and 68 degrees at night.
If you're looking for small, quiet pets that make a big impression, emperor scorpions could be right for you. These formidable-looking creatures, native to West Africa, can grow up to 8 inches long, but typically, adults range from 6 to 7 inches in length. Scorpion pairs breed easily in captivity, and female scorpions give birth to between 10 and 35 babies at a time, so you may find yourself with several babies in your care. Fortunately, baby scorpions require little special care beyond what you would normally give their parents. - by eHow