Shop Using a Target Baby Registry - View your friend's Target baby registry either online or in a Target store. Online, simply click on the "Gift Registries" section of the site. At stores, ask a store sales associated to show you where the gift registry consoles are located (usually near the store entrance). Find the registry by entering your friend's name and location.
Sort the Target baby registry by price or by category, depending on whether you have certain items in mind or need to focus more on sticking to a budget. Print the registry to aid in shopping; or, if you are going to purchase a gift online, simply choose from the list.
Shop Using a Target Baby Registry
Browse the baby isles at Target with the printed Target baby registry in hand to find items still needed from the registry. Check carefully to make sure the items you locate have not already been purchased.
Select the gifts from the Target baby registry that you would like to buy. You can stick to a certain budget amount and buy the most appealing gift in that price range, or you can buy a collection of smaller items and present them in a wicker basket or other useful container.
Purchase the Target baby registry items, first giving the sales associate the printed baby registry so your purchases can be noted on the registry.
Many moms-to-be set up a Target baby registry to help friends and family choose appropriate--and needed--baby gifts. A Target baby registry makes it simpler to shop and demands less creativity from the shopper, as you have parameters in which to look. Buying baby gifts from a Target baby registry is both simple and stress-free. Here are some tips as you shop from a Target baby registry for your friends. - by eHow