Cure Gas in Babies - Burp your baby often. Babies can get air into their system during feedings, so it is important to burp your baby after every few ounces of formula or between switching breasts and at the end of each feeding. Burping can help a baby expel gas.
Avoid over-stimulating your baby. Over-stimulation can cause stress, and just like adults, babies can experience intestinal issues when they are stressed. When babies cry, they can also swallow excess air which can lead to gas. Being passed around to others, being out and about all day and excessive television viewing can cause a baby stress.
Cure Gas in Babies
Watch what you eat if you're nursing. Breast-fed babies can get gas from what their mother is eating. Broccoli, cauliflower, beans, dairy and acidic foods can make a baby gassy.
Treat your baby's gas by giving her an over-the-counter medication with sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda. This is the effective ingredient in some brands of gripe water. Baking soda helps regulate the pH of the stomach, which can soothe a baby's discomfort. Speak with your doctor before using this method.
Switch formulas. Some babies have gas because they have trouble digesting their formula. Switching from a milk- to soy-based or a homeopathic formula may cure gas. Milk-based formulas that have some of the milk proteins already broken down may also reduce gas in babies.
All babies experience bouts of gas, but some experience it much more than others. Gas is a result of air getting trapped in the baby's digestive system during feeding. It is often a byproduct of digestion. Breast-fed babies can also be gassy because of the food the mother eats. Beans, green vegetables and dairy are common culprits. If your baby is experiencing gas, you can cure it. - by eHow