Stop Teeth Grinding in a Baby - Schedule a doctor's appointment. Visit your local pediatrician or dentist for a well-baby check-up. Discuss the teeth grinding episodes. Give the doctor or dentist a general idea of when the bruxism occurs, how long it lasts and how long your baby has been suffering from the condition.
Evaluate whether you think stress could be causing teeth grinding. Give the baby a warm cup of milk and rock her before bedtime to see if the relaxation techniques reduce the frequency of teeth grinding. Before nap time or bedtime, read her a favorite story or give her a warm bath. Reduce stress to see if that helps eradicate the bruxism episodes.
Stop Teeth Grinding in a Baby
Order a night guard if the pediatrician or dentist thinks it is necessary. Generally, night guards are not used on babies or on small children who do not have multiple teeth that have broken through the surface of the gums. Night guards are plastic mouth pieces that are worn only at night while the child sleeps. Night guards are usually customized to fit the specific child's teeth.
Eliminate activities that could trigger teeth grinding. Most bruxism occurs at night or during nap time, but in some cases, it can occur during strenuous activities. Watch for teeth clenching or grinding during daytime. If the baby grinds his teeth during a scary book or movie, watch a different show. If he grinds his teeth when he is upset or angry, try to reduce the strenuous circumstances that trigger teeth grinding. Use extra attention and snuggling to reduce the baby's fear, anger or anxiety.
Teeth grinding, medically known as bruxism, in babies can be an annoying and troublesome condition. Some babies suffer from bruxism because their teeth are not growing normally, but for most, teeth grinding is a stage that will pass with growth and development. If teeth grinding is persistent and worrisome, visit a dentist or your pediatrician to make sure that the bruxism is not a sign of a more serious problem. Several practical measures can be taken to help stop teeth grinding in a baby. - by eHow