Introduce Avocado to a Baby - Wait until your baby is 4 to 6 months old before introducing avocado. As soon as your pediatrician approves of starting solid foods, you can introduce avocado.
Look for an avocado that is dark green and has a bumpy texture. The avocado should be firm, but should not be so hard that you cannot push into it. The inside should be green and turn yellow as it gets closer to the pit.
Introduce Avocado to a Baby
Prepare the avocado. Roll the avocado on the counter to separate the meat from the skin. Slice into the avocado and remove the meat from the skin. The meat should have a buttery texture. Mash it thoroughly with a fork. Put a taste on a baby spoon and feed it to you baby.
Puree avocado and mix with foods your baby likes. Avocado can be mixed with applesauce, rice, yogurt or any of your child's favorite foods.
Avocado is a great first food for your baby. Packed full of nutrients, this soft and creamy food is perfect to try as it contains the good fat needed to help your child's brain grow and develop. Avocados have no sodium and no cholesterol and are packed with vitamins and minerals. To introduce your baby to avocado, follow these steps. - by eHow