Stop Diarrhea in Teething Baby - Give the baby frequent bottles of formula, milk or some juice, but keep juices to a minimum. Dehydration is the most likely problem to occur when a baby is teething and has diarrhea. Make sure the baby has enough to drink. If dehydration occurs, take the baby to the doctor.
Change foods the baby eats. Some foods can potentially cause diarrhea in a baby. During teething, babies are often given foods to help deal with the pain in their teeth, but the foods must also prevent diarrhea. According to Baby Slumber, rice cereal, carrots, bananas and potatoes help minimize diarrhea.
Stop Diarrhea in Teething Baby
Clean and sanitize any objects the baby might put in her mouth. When a baby is teething, everything goes in her mouth as she tries to relieve the pain. Give the baby clean teething rings to chew on, and keep anything that is potentially dirty, such as pet toys, out of the baby's reach. Bacteria are another potential cause of diarrhea while teething, so minimizing bacterial sources helps.
Take the baby to the doctor. If diarrhea persists despite diet changes, sanitation and constant fluids, take the baby to the doctor for a checkup. If the baby has a virus or bacterial infection causing the diarrhea, the doctor can prescribe appropriate medication.
Diarrhea is commonly associated with infant teething. A variety of potential causes range from changes in diet to bacteria from an object the baby put in his mouth to increased drool from the teeth. The main concern with diarrhea is the potential for dehydration. Stopping the diarrhea requires taking measures against potential bacterial infection and dehydration. - by eHow