Information on Hand Raise Baby Mocking Birds - Make a "nest" out of a sturdy bowl filled 2/3 with shredded paper. Change nesting material daily.
Provide heat with a heat lamp or heat pad.
Information on Hand Raise Baby Mocking Birds
Soak a cup of dry cat food in water overnight. Warm it to room temperature before serving.
In a blender or food processor, combine soaked cat food with pieces of apple, berry, and grape (or fruit-based baby food.) Add 1 tbsp. of a grain-based baby bird diet designed for hand-raising baby parrots and a vitamin made for birds (follow manufacturer's directions for amount.)
Feed the hatchling mockingbird with an eyedropper or syringe every 15 minutes to 1/2 hour from morning until night. Feed until the bird stops gaping (opening its mouth for food.)
Every year, hundreds of baby mockingbirds are dropped off at wildlife rehabilitation facilities, having fallen from the nest or lost their parents. Ideally, a baby bird should be returned to the nest (it is a myth that the parents won't take back a baby bird touched by humans). Baby mockingbirds have three stages of development: hatchling (eyes closed, fuzzy), nestling (eyes open, fuzzy, feathers beginning to grow) and fledgling (feathered, exploring outside the nest). Each stage requires different care. - by eHow