Make a Doll Baby Birth Certificate - Open a new, blank document page in a word-processing program such as Microsoft Word. Click on the "Font" option of the program and choose a lettering style for the certificate words.
Click on "Font Size" option of the program and choose the lettering size, such as 18 point.
Make a Doll Baby Birth Certificate
Type the heading, centered, in all capitals: "BIRTH CERTIFICATE." Hit the return key and type the following:
Baby Girl Doll (name of doll)
Born: (add month, day and year)
City & State: (city and state of doll's owner)
Weight: Length:
Parent: (name of doll owner)
Select a copyright free doll-themed clip art on Internet websites, such as or (see Resources listed below). Save the image desired in a file on your computer and then insert it into the certificate to the left of "Birth Certificate" by using the "Insert/picture" tool of the word processing program.
Resize the image as desired by clicking on the image, placing the cursor at one corner, then holding the left button of the mouse down and moving it up or down to make the image larger or smaller.
Any little girl receiving a new doll would surely love to have a birth certificate as a record that she is the doll's little mother. Such a token conveys a relationship between the doll and the little girl. You can make such a certificate on a computer with information that is usually included in a real birth certificate. Add color and a themed border, and print it on colored card stock to hang in the child's room. - by eHow