google expands retail availability of chromebooks - selling the google chromebook and chromebox products can be lucrative, say partners who have found success in the education and retail verticals the capability is available, the chromebooks that google, chromebooks will soon go on sale in selected best buys and other retail,
the chromebooks have arrived in malaysia the world's first samsung 4g chromebook they come with wifi and a wimax chip so you connect to yes4g up to 20mbps chromebooks developed by samsung and acer news alert have now been made available for purchase on tigerdirect, a subsidiary of systemax inc chromebooks,
a recent report by seth weintraub in 9to5google claims that google might be planning to start standalone retail stores in the united states this year these stores, the report comes from 9to5google who cites an extremely reliable source they say that google is planning to have the first of its retail stores open by year's end,