Get My Baby in a Catalog - Take good, clear photos of your baby smiling, laughing, crying, frowning and sleeping. Be sure to take close-up pictures as well as shots that show his entire body. Print the photos on good photo paper and use them for evaluation by a modeling agent.
Create a list of reputable modeling agencies in your area that work with children. Check blogs and message boards by experienced parents of baby models offering information and advice. Look through parenting magazines to see if the photos are credited to a specific agency. Once you have a list compiled, you can check their reputations with the Better Business Bureau.
Get My Baby in a Catalog
Write letters of inquiry to the agents on your list with copies of two or three of your baby's current photos. Put the date the photo was taken on the back and your baby's name and current age. State in your letter that you are looking for representation for your baby to model in catalogs. Wait for them to contact you. If they do not, you can follow up with a phone call after a week or two.
Attend agent meetings with your baby and bring your photos and a list of any questions you may have for the agent. Meet with several agents and sign a contract with the one who makes you feel the most comfortable and the most confident. Be clear that you want your baby to be seen for catalog work, also called commercial print work.
Create a "comp card" for your baby. Ask your agent for the name of a reputable photographer and have some photos taken of your baby for her composite card. Your agent will select a few photos with different looks to show casting directors and clients what she looks like in different emotional states and different clothes. Have your agent's contact information printed on the card.
Seeing your baby's face in a catalog can be exciting, rewarding and fun. You can save money for his college fund and the pictures will be lovely mementos for your family for years to come. There are many possibilities for babies in advertising and there is work to be found in many major cities. Getting started is relatively simple, but just as for adults, the road can be confusing, and there are a few important things to know. - by eHow