Feed a Baby With a Spoon - Determine whether your infant is ready for solid foods. Generally you can introduce solid foods sometime between 4 to 6 months. But because each individual baby is different, it's best to look for specific signs. Some signs to look for are increased head control, stronger appetite and showing an interest in what you're eating.
Breastfeed or formula feed your baby before you begin spoon feeding. It's best to try introducing solids when she is not starving or else he may not react well to the new method of feeding.
Feed a Baby With a Spoon
Prepare a batch of rice cereal using warm formula or warmed, expressed breast milk for the liquid. Start with a teaspoon or 2 of cereal in 1 ounce of liquid first and add more as needed.
Sit your baby upright, preferably in a highchair or other seat. Your baby should associate spoon feeding with sitting down.
Secure a bib to your infant to protect her clothing from food spillage.
Once your baby has mastered drinking from a bottle or breastfeeding, it may be time (with your pediatrician's okay) to introduce solid foods to his or her diet. Unfortunately an infant is not yet capable of feeding himself, so you will need to feed him with a spoon. Always use a spoon that is plastic or coated with rubber or silicone so you do not damage your infant's gums. - by eHow