Care for a Baby Oscar Fish - Buy a large tank. Thirty gallons of space are needed, plus room for the Oscar fish and any other fish. Minimum tank size should be 40 gallons. Fill with substrate (sand or gravel).
Buy a filter. A good filter is one that turns over ten times the aquariums water volume every hour. There are many different types to choose from including canister, bio, sump, and underwater.
Care for a Baby Oscar Fish
Buy a heater and thermometer. When buying a heater you will need 3 to 5 watts per gallon of heating. The thermometer should be one that mounts on the inside or outside of the tank to give an accurate temperature.
Cycle a freshwater (no salt) tank and make sure temperatures are 72F to 82F. Cycling allows your aquarium filter to produce a good bacteria which will start the process of removing toxins that your fish produce.
Provide plenty of hiding spaces with decorations and make sure there are no sharp corners. Fake plants clustered together or hollowed logs can be great hiding spaces. You can also buy fake sunken ships, treasure chests, pots or anything with a large hole will work.
Baby Oscars need an abundance of space and a clean fish tank to regulate growth and prevent disease. Warm water temperatures and a good selection of hiding spots will make your baby Oscar feel secure in his surroundings. Oscars will eat a large diet of brine shrimp, causing rapid growth. Oscars can reach lengths up to16 inches and weigh almost 2 pounds. These fish can live for 10 to 15 years and are a long-term commitment. - by eHow