Grow Baby Spider Plants - Choose your method of growing baby spider plants. They can be snipped off the mother plant and placed in glasses of water on a sunny windowsill, which looks very pretty. Spider plant babies can live and grow for a long time in water, or you can wait until they develop plenty of roots and then transplant them. They can also be transplanted directly into potting soil.
To keep the babies in water, nothing could be easier. Snip the baby off the end of the stalk and place it, root end down, in a glass or jar of water. Very often it will start growing roots into the air so they are easy to identify. Spider plants like light but not direct sunlight. A north facing windowsill, or one that is shaded by trees, is ideal. Like most plants, spider plants like humidity and grow vigorously in a well-lit bathroom.
Grow Baby Spider Plants
Plant the baby directly in soil. Again, this is very easy. The plant can be gently anchored into a pot filled with good quality potting soil while still attached to the mother. Bury the root end of the spider baby in soil and keep misted with water for several weeks until it takes hold. The stalk can then be cut free of the mother plant and the baby will take off on its own. This method also works by cutting the baby from the mother plant and planting directly in the soil, but unless there are some roots already started, the baby may die. It's best to keep it attached to the mother plant until the new roots can take hold.
Let the spider plant dry out between watering. Depending on the humidity level in your home, once every seven to ten days is a good rule of thumb. Spider plants don't need fertilizer to be healthy. If you use a fertilizer, do so infrequently and at half strength.
A spider plant puts out a lot of "babies"--new plants that form at the end of long stalks. Sometimes these babies have small white flowers on them. They are very easy to transplant and before you know it you can have a whole forest of healthy spider plants just by growing the babies from a single specimen. Does this Spark an idea? - by eHow