Give a Baby a Bath - Gather all of the supplies you will need and place them within arms' reach of where you will be bathing your baby.
Adjust the temperature of the room you will be bathing baby in to make sure it is warm enough to comfortably accommodate a bare baby (around 75 degrees).
Give a Baby a Bath
Fill the infant tub with no more than 2 inches of warm water.
Test the temperature of the water with your elbow, wrist or thermometer to ensure that it is only warm and not hot. The water should be no more than 100 degrees. Some infant tubs even come equipped with a special built-in thermometer that indicates if the water to too cold or too hot for your little one.
Undress your baby and gently set him in the tub while making sure to keep him in a partially reclined position. You can purchase a bath sling to help keep baby positioned correctly.
After weeks of fumbling, making awkward mistakes and feeling like the most incompetent parent in the world, you have finally mastered the art of giving your new baby a sponge bath. Just when you're feeling confident, you're hit with the news that it's time to start bathing baby in an infant tub. This transition may be slightly overwhelming at first, even a little scary. Following these simple steps will help you and baby get the most out of bath time. - by eHow