Explain Where Babies Come From to Your Child - Talk to your children as soon as they bring up the topic, if you have the time to discuss the issue. If the timing or setting is inappropriate, tell them when you'll be able to talk to them about it, and stick to your promise.
Tell them what they want to know, without telling them too much - when they've absorbed the simple facts, then you can move on to the more complex issues.
Explain Where Babies Come From to Your Child
Take them seriously. Don't laugh at them or make them feel silly for asking.
Use correct terms. If your preschooler wants to know where babies grow, teach him or her the term "uterus." If your young child wants to know how the baby gets inside the mommy, explain the terms "sperm" and "egg," as well as "****" and "vagina" if necessary, in the simplest way possible.
Explain the concept of privacy. Many children will ask, "Can I watch?" when you explain the process of sexual intercourse to them; let them know this is something that mommies and daddies do in private when they love each other very much.
All children will eventually ask their parents or another trusted adult, "Where do babies come from?" There are lots of ways to address the issue, depending on the age of the child. Here's how to answer the inevitable question. - by eHow