Get My Baby to Sleep Better - Establish sleep routines. Choose day timings when you are most tired and get your baby to lie down with you. Do so for about a week at the same time to accustom your baby to the routine. Babies that have daytime sleep routines are more likely to sleep better and longer during night times, according to Ask DrSears website. Daytime nap routines give you time for the much-needed rest.
Implement consistent night-sleep timings and bedtime rituals. Such activities make the task of putting babies to sleep easier and encourage them to sleep longer. Use the traditional bedtime rituals such as a warm bath followed by rocking, nursing and singing lullabies or telling stories. Do this consistently to set a routine so that the baby recognizes the activities as a signal to go to sleep.
Get My Baby to Sleep Better
Prepare a sleep-inducing object for your baby. This can be a stuffed toy or a blanket. If it is a stuffed toy, choose those that have no loose fibers hanging out, or buttons or cheap or hard plastic attachments, which can harm the baby. The object should be soft and easy to clean. Avoid toys that make sound as they can startle your baby awake. Keep this object close to you for sometime so that it carries your "mother scent" and makes it familiar and soothing for the baby. Keep it near him while he sleeps. Babies are more attuned to smell; if he wakes up at night, the "scented" object would reassure him that you are nearby and encourage him to go to sleep again peacefully.
Put the baby to sleep where he sleeps the best. This can be on your bed snuggled next to you or a crib in your room. Some babies may sleep in their cribs arranged in their own rooms. Be flexible to different sleeping arrangements and choose the one that best suits your baby's sleeping needs.
Create a sleep-friendly environment. Block out noises that can disturb your baby's sleep---oil his crib if the joints make squeaky noises, get your dog into his kennel before he starts barking, and mute your phone. Consider putting opaque shades in the bedroom to prevent early morning sun disturbing his sleep.
Getting her baby to sleep and keeping her there is one of the most challenging tasks a mother faces. Good sleep is healthy for your baby. Making her sleep better and through the night also allows you to catch those precious eight hours of sleep for yourself to stay active the next day. With some strategies, you can get your baby to sleep better. - by eHow