Care for Baby Snapping Turtles - Find a nice large tank. A terrarium is best because snapping turtles like to swim and bask in the sun. Babies are happy with 10-gallon tanks, but for each inch they grow, you need 10 more gallons of water. Since the turtles can grow up to 20 inches, consider buying a 100-gallon tank.
Fill your tank or terrarium with natural plants from the area where you found the turtle. Make a basking area out of large rocks and fill the rest of the tank with water. Don't put small decorations in the tank. The turtle will only mess with them, and might mistake them for food.
Care for Baby Snapping Turtles
Place a heat lamp over the area with the rocks. (If you put your terrarium outdoors because you live in a warm, sunny climate, this step is unnecessary.) Turn the light off at night and back on during the day to simulate the sun.
Feed your turtle a balanced diet. In the wild, they eat both meat (insects) and plants. You should provide it with leaves from native trees, crickets and worms.
A baby snapping turtle can be hard to resist, but keep in mind that it will grow quite large and can be destructive. Perhaps the most important thing to remember, however, is how long it will live: about 40 years with the right care. This is a huge commitment, so prepare yourself from the start. - by eHow