Treat Baby Dry Scalp - Shampoo your baby's hair, using a terry cloth washcloth to massage his scalp to gently exfoliate the area.
Brush your baby's hair with a soft-bristled baby brush.
Treat Baby Dry Scalp
Massage a small amount of olive oil into the affected areas of the scalp. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then gently use a fine-toothed comb to remove the loosened flakes. Wash your baby's hair using baby shampoo immediately after this treatment to remove all of the oil.
Ask your child's pediatrician about using an over-the-counter or prescription shampoo designed for dry scalp.
Baby dry scalp is also called cradle cap. Your baby likely has cradle cap if he has dry, flaky scalp skin or if the skin on his scalp is thick, yellow and scaly. While cradle cap looks gross, it's not harmful to your baby. Occasionally, if cradle cap gets really bad, it may itch. Most likely, by the age of 1, the dryness on your baby's scalp will be gone. - by eHow