Make My Baby Doll Look Like My Real Baby - Determine which baby doll you'd like to use. Choose a baby doll with life-like skin tone and proper height proportion; most small babies do not lay in a straight position with extended limbs. Try to choose a very small, young baby; people expect babies to move around at a certain size. Newborn babies are the least active.
Dress your baby as realistically as possible. Choose soft, matching fabrics. Consider shopping for a new outfit to get more realistic about the baby yourself. Include booties, a newborn hat, newborn gloves and a large, soft baby blanket for the outfit--you'll have to keep the baby covered so that people cannot determine that it is fake.
Make My Baby Doll Look Like My Real Baby
Practice holding and handling a real baby, if possible. Watch others with their own babies to see the delicate handling procedures used when holding and moving a baby. Practice your moves with your baby doll in a mirror to make sure you are handling the baby properly.
Use baby items in the place that you plan to show-off your new child. Use a car seat in your vehicle so that you can take the baby out into the world. People will not believe the baby is real if you take it out of your front seat. Use a stroller with a plastic shade on it and put the baby on to its stomach, making sure that the baby doll does not expose its less-than-life-like features.
Use baby items if out in public. Carry a diaper bag and have items in view, such as a bottle in the stroller or a pacifier nearby. Use a crib or bassinet if at home; place baby toys around where possible.
It is possible to make your baby doll look like your real baby with just a little bit of practice. Real babies cry, but not all the time. For this reason you should have no problem completing this task, but only for limited periods of time. Try not to socialize for extended periods of time while with your baby; people may want to see it or ask too many questions. - by eHow