Get a Baby to Sleep - Rock your baby. Most babies enjoy rocking and cuddling as part of their bedtime routine.
Nurse your baby. Babies love to fall asleep while breast-feeding; in fact, sometimes it's hard to keep them awake long enough to finish a meal. But don't let this become such a habit that your baby will never sleep without nursing first.
Get a Baby to Sleep
Swing your baby. Mechanical swings or rocking cradles can calm fussy babies and help them drift off to sleep.
Swaddle your infant. Many newborns enjoy the feeling of being snugly wrapped - though others don't enjoy being swaddled.
Dance with your baby. A good lullaby or smooth jazz CD, a dark room and a slow dance often send a baby to sleep.
You just put her down for a nap, and now she's awake and crying again. You could let her cry it out, or try these ideas to get her back to sleep. - by eHow