Play With an 8-Month-Old Baby - Play peekaboo and other hide-and-seek games. These are fun games as she's learning that you and her toys exist even when she can't see them.
Build a tower of blocks and show her how to knock it down. She'll delight in her ability to produce such an outstanding effect.
Play With an 8-Month-Old Baby
Give her toys that come apart or fit together; she'll find them particularly interesting at this stage.
Take turns patting a doll, banging a pot, drinking from a cup or putting a hat on your head. Imitation is one of her primary methods of learning.
Give your baby her own kitchen cabinet and fill it with containers and small objects. She'll enjoy her play.
For many babies, eight months is a time of transition. Your baby will have her own agenda, knowing what toy she wants to play with and what skills she wants to develop. Let her interests be your guide to play. (The following information has been adapted from Dr. Segal's book series, "Your Child at Play.") - by eHow