Make a Cover for a Baby Mobile - Place the fabric on a flat surface with the wrong side facing you. If possible remove the hanging accessories from the baby mobile.
Center the loop of the baby mobile on top of the fabric. According to "Consumer Reports," “Crib mobiles are for looking at, not for touching. They often have string or small attached pieces. Make sure your little one cannot reach the mobile so he can't become entangled or pull anything off. When he is able to push himself up on his hands and knees, the mobile should be removed from the crib.”
Make a Cover for a Baby Mobile
Use scissors to poke a hole in the center of the fabric small enough for the connecting portion of the baby mobile, usually a hook or clip, to fit through the fabric. Pull the hook through the hole.
Hold the baby mobile in the air so the fabric drapes over the mobile loop. Pull it so there are no wrinkles or folds. The fabric is “inside out”. Use chalk to indicate where the fabric hits the bottom edge of the baby mobile loop. Remove baby mobile from the fabric circle.
Place the fabric on a flat surface with the wrong side facing you again. Using the chalk mark from Step Four as your guide, draw a circle around the fabric returning to the chalk mark. If you have trouble keeping the circle curve, try using a dinner plate or pizza pan to trace the edge as you move along the fabric.
Baby mobiles are used for the environmental stimulation of very small infants. Bright colors and pleasant music combine to provide a rich experience for baby. Since baby mobiles are only used until baby can push up onto his or her arms, most mobiles are used for a short time, making them a popular hand-me-down from mother to mother. Revamp a standard loop-frame baby mobile, or change the colors, by fashioning a quick, no-sew cover. - by eHow