Baby-Proof a Living Room - Get down on all fours and explore the room as your baby would. This perspective gives you a baby's-eye view of the potential hazards that exist in your living room and what you will need to do in order to baby-proof them.
Make sure the living room is gated off from other rooms in the house if this is the area where your baby most often plays.
Baby-Proof a Living Room
Install plastic edge protectors on any piece of furniture's sharp-edged corners. Move any pieces of furniture, including coffee and end tables and television armoires, away from the area in your living room in which your baby plays most often.
Secure all electrical and telephone cords by either taping them down or protecting them with cord covers.
Baby-proof your window treatments by hiding blind cords and drapery tiebacks so they do not dangle to the floor. Babies can strangle themselves with cords that are only tucked into blinds or curtains.
When your sleeping infant turns into a mobile baby, it's essential to baby-proof all rooms in your living space to ensure he can navigate your house without hurting himself. Many babies spend a great deal of time in their living rooms, so it's important to make sure it's a safe place for them to play. Read on to learn how to baby-proof a living room. - by eHow