Tell if It Is a Boy on a Sonogram - Watch the sonogram screen carefully, looking for images of the baby's genitalia between the legs.
Differentiate between the umbilical cord and genitalia so you do not mistake one for the other. A color Doppler sonogram machine can help identify the umbilical cord because it will show blood flow through the umbilical cord, whereas a penis would not have the same blood flow.
Tell if It Is a Boy on a Sonogram
Look for a scrotum and penis to identify a boy. Depending on the angle, male genitalia may appear like a profile of a snail or you may see it as if you are looking at it from above with the scrotum looking like a round ball and the penis protruding out from the top.
The gender of an unborn baby is a monumental unknown some parents wait to discover at the birth. Technology offers parents who don't want to wait the option of learning the baby's gender long before the child is born. With a sonogram, sound waves travel from a transducer through the uterine wall to the fetus, producing images of the baby. This glimpse at the baby can identify the gender. - by eHow