Put a Baby to Sleep Without Nursing - Take it slow. Gradual bedtime weaning will help you and your baby adjust more easily. Start by going one or two nights a week without nursing, and work up to none.
Stop nursing before the baby falls asleep. Once the baby is sufficiently full and getting drowsy, stop nursing and put the baby to bed.
Put a Baby to Sleep Without Nursing
Let Dad be more hands-on at bedtime. Your baby associates nursing with Mom, and may settle down more quickly for Dad.
Develop a calming ritual. Give your baby a warm, soothing bath and then snuggle in a rocking chair in a quiet, dimly lit room before bed.
Stick to a schedule. If bedtime is the same every night, your baby will begin to get sleepy around that time each night.
Nursing is a natural way to bond with your baby. It is also extremely beneficial to a child's health and development. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports that breastfed babies have higher IQs, and a study by the State University of New York's School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences shows a sharp decrease in ear infections in breastfed children. However, the decision to wean bedtime nursing is a personal one, and can be a struggle for parents and their babies.
If you decide to stop bedtime nursing, follow these steps. - by eHow