Play With a 4-Month-Old Baby - Give your baby two squeak toys, one for each hand. Watch to see if she looks at the hand that's doing the squeaking. When she's older, she'll be able to squeeze both at the same time.
Play peekaboo: Put a blanket over your head and come out with a "boo." Or try placing your hands over your baby's eyes, and then lift them off with a smile.
Play With a 4-Month-Old Baby
Build a cardboard hill and roll a wheeled toy down the ramp. After a while, she'll begin to anticipate the crash as the toy slides down the hill.
Play with a rattle: Hold it so she can reach for it with one hand, and then the other. Move it closer and farther away, higher and lower, so she can work on her reaching and grasping.
Take off her clothes and let her move about on a firm, flat surface wearing only a diaper. Free from the restrictions of clothing and covers, she'll be able to perform her finest gymnastics.
At four months, your baby's becoming more interactive and more interested in engaging with toys and with you. Enjoy your play! (The following information has been adapted from Dr. Segal's book series, "Your Child at Play.") - by eHow