Feed Baby Goats - Know that from birth to about day 2, your goat should nurse from its mother.
Expect your baby goat to begin sampling adult feed between the second day after birth and one week. While it's fine to try out grain and seed mixtures, discourage your goat from filling up on grain and not milk by allowing it to drink its mother's milk.
Feed Baby Goats
Vaccinate your baby goat during the first week of life. The vaccine Probios will add important bacteria to the goat's stomach.
Try to have your baby goat drink the first bit of mother's milk, or colostrum, which will protect the goat kid during the first few weeks of life. Even if you can't feed your goat with the mother's milk entirely, some will help.
Know that it is possible to feed a goat kid without this first meal of colostrum.
The most important thing to remember about feeding baby goats is that the first milk from the mother will establish the proper stomach health and nutrition. Feeding baby goats can be challenging for the first-time goat owner, but once you have gone through these steps, you'll be able to anticipate the right course of action for feeding all your baby goats. - by eHow