Care for a Baby Mourning Dove - Place two layers of paper towels on the bottom of a shoe box.
Punch 10 to 15 holes in the shoe box lid.
Care for a Baby Mourning Dove
Remove and discard the lid from the butter tub. Place six to eight soft tissues into the butter tub.
Place the butter tub in the shoe box.
Place the mourning dove chick into the butter tub.
Mourning Doves frequently utilize the abandoned nests of other birds. These nests are not always in good condition. This, combined with the fact that mourning doves re-use nests for more than one clutch, often causes the nest to collapse and the chicks to become orphaned. Adult doves feed their chicks with a milky substance produced from glands in their crop and a similar formula will be required to raise an orphaned dove. Dove parents will also feed their young for almost a full month, which is the time frame needed to rear a mourning dove. - by eHow