Quiet a Baby on an Airplane - Book an aisle seat. A seat on the aisle will allow you to get up and move around. While it is not recommended that you walk around while in-flight, there will be times that you need to get up to change the baby.
Pack extra food that the baby will eat. Some great suggestions are instant hot cereals that you can simply mix with water. You can ask for warm water from the flight attendant. Having something familiar and warm to munch on will help the baby feel secure during an uncertain situation.
Quiet a Baby on an Airplane
Be well-organized. Have all of your baggage ready to check. Arrive early and make sure the baby is fed and content. With all of the airport regulations you want to have plenty of time to get to your gate.
Take turns if you're traveling with your partner or another adult. Plan ahead of time who will take the baby, but remain flexible. There may be times that the baby wants only one adult and no other will do.
Nurse the baby or give her a pacifier for take-off and landing. This will help to keep the baby's ears and sinuses clear.
Traveling with young children can be a challenging experience. With airplane travel becoming more popular, many families are finding themselves flying with babies. With children too young for in-flight movies, parents often dread even the shortest flight. With a few hints and tips anyone can stay sane while flying with children. - by eHow