Put a Newborn Baby to Sleep - Watch your newborn carefully for signs that he needs to sleep. Most newborns will not stay awake for periods longer than 90 minutes to two hours at a stretch. When you begin to see signs that your newborn is tired, prepare to put him to sleep. Signs of tiredness include rubbing eyes, refusing eye contact, yawning, fussing and erratic arm and leg movements.
Change the baby's diaper and make sure her clothing is dry and comfortable.
Put a Newborn Baby to Sleep
Swaddle the baby, if desired. Some newborns sleep better and are more comfortable if they are swaddled to sleep. Swaddling is snugly wrapping a baby in a receiving blanket (or special swaddling blanket) before putting him in bed to sleep. To swaddle a baby, lay a large receiving blanket on a surface (an adult bed works well). Fold down one corner of the blanket slightly. Place the baby so that his head is at the folded corner. Hold the baby's arms and take one of the side corners and tightly wrap it over and around the baby, tucking it in under the other side of him. Bring up the bottom corner to tuck in the baby's feet. Pull the remaining corner over and around the baby and tuck it in under him.
Place the baby into her crib or bassinet while she is still awake, but drowsy. If the baby likes a pacifier, place the pacifier in the baby's mouth. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that newborns be placed onto their backs for sleeping to reduce the risks of SIDS.
Turn on a white noise machine. Many babies sleep better with some background white noise. Many alarm clocks have a white noise function. You could also purchase a white noise machine. Even a box fan could be used as a source of white noise.
Newborn babies all have different sleep patterns. Some newborns sleep easily and often. Others have difficulty settling and do not sleep as well. Whether you have a newborn baby who sleeps well or one who has trouble, many of the techniques for settling a newborn baby and helping her to sleep are similar. Consistency is key to helping your newborn baby get the sleep she needs. - by eHow