Know When to Feed Meat to a Baby - Wait until the baby is around 7 months old at the earliest. Generally, babies don't tolerate meat well until they are around 9 months old. This is when they are less satisfied with the cereals and fruit and vegetable foods, and want something with more substance to eat.
Ensure the baby can tolerate cereals and vegetables first. These foods are much better accepted than meat. It also ensures their digestive system can handle meat better, since the cereal and fruits are somewhat of a stepping stone.
Know When to Feed Meat to a Baby
Give the baby hand pureed or baby food meat. Just because baby can eat meat, doesn't mean that he can eat the same meat that adults can. He still needs baby food. It makes no difference what type of meat is introduced first at this stage.
Avoid giving the baby pieces of meat until he can eat other finger foods well. At this early of an age, baby can easily choke on pieces of food. Stick to baby foods for babies. You can find baby meat sticks in the baby food aisle at the grocery store. And some toddler meals are prepared with meat in a texture that babies can easily chew and digest.
Try mixing the meat with a vegetable. This makes it easier for baby to tolerate, and she is more likely to eat it.
Baby feeding can be quite complicated. There are so many foods, and so many hidden dangers. Meat is no exception. Also, there are parents who choose to raise their child vegetarian or vegan. Meat is not necessary for a baby to eat, but can be a good addition for protein consumption. - by eHow