Deal With Baby Constipation - Make sure your baby is constipated. He or she may be grouchy for a completely different reason, so don't assume that she's constipated just because she's wailing a lot. Signs of constipation include infrequent bowel movements, hard pebbly stools and small amounts of diarrhea that seep past the blockage.
Be aware that constipation in young babies, especially breastfed ones, is rare. Baby constipation usually doesn't happen until the child begins to eat solid foods. Other signs of constipation include a hard abdomen and abdominal pain that goes away after a bowel movement.
Deal With Baby Constipation
Mix formula correctly. Formula that's mixed to a too thick consistency could cause constipation. Follow the directions on the package carefully since different brands sometimes need different dilutions.
Add pureed prunes to your baby's diet if he's on solid foods or give your baby limited amounts of prune juice diluted with water and apple or pear juice. Also, remove foods from your baby's diet that are known to make stool hard. Such foods include bananas, rice and starchy foods like potatoes.
Keep your baby properly hydrated. She should be drinking lots of fluids including plain water. If your baby refuses to drink plain water, try adding a tiny bit of apple juice to the water for flavor.
Constipated babies, just like constipated adults, are uncomfortable and crabby. They show their displeasure with inconsolable crying. If you can't get your baby to stop crying, then he or she may be constipated. Here are some directions to help you deal with baby constipation. - by eHow